Valentines Day fun! We Love Romance

I hope you’re enjoying the day of love wherever you are in the world! My perfect Valentine present is surprise surprise – A book! Followed closely by a sleep in! Actually an early night, reading said book, and a sleep in the next day! (It’s glaringly...

We Love Romance tour

  The We Love Romance Tour continues! So today we are discussing our favourite romantic movies, books, and TV shows. I know one Carina author has already picked this film, and I’m guessing it’s a fave of many! Hands down, Dirty Dancing is the MOST...

We love romance tour continues

The We Love Romance tour continues. Be sure and click on the other blogs, to check out the excerpts from all the books you can win! Today, I’m sharing an excerpt from Christmas at The Gingerbread Cafe. I hope you like it! There’s a follow up novella coming...