Egg shell ideas for Easter

If you are friends with me on Facebook you’ll know we blithely planned to make our own Easter eggs on the weekend. Simple, right? Err, no. The kids thought it was super fun, not knowing their mum was one bunny away from exploding when the chocolate...

The Writing Process blog hop!

Dianne Touchell has tagged me in the Writing Process blog hop. I ‘met’ Dianne online after reading a great review in a Perth newspaper about her book Creepy and Maud. The review immediately intrigued me, so I bought the book, read it in a sitting and then...

Because you asked for it!

When I wrote Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe I had no plans for it to become a series. It was just a fun heartwarming story about friends and relationships with the festive backdrop of a white Christmas. And food. Let’s not forget the food! I sent it out to...

We Love Romance tour

  The We Love Romance Tour continues! So today we are discussing our favourite romantic movies, books, and TV shows. I know one Carina author has already picked this film, and I’m guessing it’s a fave of many! Hands down, Dirty Dancing is the MOST...