I’ve had the pleasure of ‘meeting’ so many wonderful writers from the UK this year on social media. They are a friendly bunch! And really generous with tips, and networking, and general banter. Today I’m chatting with Lynda Renham who is launching her romantic comedy -The Valentine Present and other diabolical liberties. It’s a great book! You’ll love it, but first let’s grill Lynda a little…
1. Can you share the blurb of your book with us?
Oh, I would love to share the blurb with you. And, even better you can get a sneaky preview on Amazon ‘look inside’. Here is the blurb:
‘On arriving home after a friend’s posh wedding, launderette worker Harriet, finds her life irrevocably changed when she discovers her flat ransacked and her boyfriend missing. In a matter of hours she is harassed by East End gangsters and upper crust aristocrats. Accepting an offer she can’t refuse, Harriet, against her better judgment becomes the fiancée of the wealthy Hamilton Lancaster, with dire consequences. What she had not bargained on was meeting Doctor Brice Edmunds. The Valentine Present and Other Diabolical Liberties is Lynda Renham’s funniest novel so far. A cocktail of misunderstandings, three unlikely gangsters, a monkey and a demented cat make this novel a hysterical read. Follow Harriet’s adventure where every attempt to get out of trouble puts her deeper in it.
2. How long did it take you to write?’
About six months. When writing a book I have to live and feel the characters so it was a lot of fun being chased by gangsters and aristocrats for all that time.
3. Where did the idea/inspiration come from?
I do a lot of people watching and a lot of the situations in my books are loosely based on things I have done – not that I have been chased by gangsters though. I had a lot of false starts with this novel and then one day it just got going. My husband is good for bouncing ideas and we often come up with good stuff when doing that. I really like the character Harriet in this book. She is a strong willed character, and is full of fun.
4. Who was your favourite character to write?
I enjoyed writing about ‘The Jacks’, but I can’t tell you too much about them without spoiling the story. The hero in the story is phew *fans face* gorgeous!
5. Who is your favourite author?
At present I am raving about Graham Rawle, I just loved his book ‘Woman’s World’ I have always adored Iris Murdoch and Virginia Woolf. I also love Kimberley Chambers. There are so many talented authors and I enjoy the variety.
6. What genre do you prefer to read?
I don’t have a particular genre. I read all kinds of books really. If it puts a smile on my face then that’s a bonus.
7. If you could choose any literary character to have dinner with who would it be?
I like Italian food so Michael Corleone from The Godfather by Mario Puzo because they always seem to be going to the mattresses where they eat large quantities of spaghetti, meatballs and other tempting treats.
Bec -YES! I agree, best book (and more rarely, best movies ever!)
7. What is your favourite time to write?
Not too early and obviously not too late, and I need a bit of time to procrastinate, and to check the contents of the fridge. So some time after lunch is a good time.
8. Where can we find you? Usually with my head in the fridge. And on my blog at www.renham.co.uk
9. And most importantly, where can we find your book? Amazon, Waterstones and, as they say, all good booksellers near you! And I would just like to say before we part, I’m actually doing very well on my Weightwatchers diet (honest) *blushes furiously*.
Thank you so much Lynda for taking the time on a very busy day to answer our questions! Good luck with the launch!
The links to find Lynda’s book are here: