Another cracker by Lynda Renham …

Today I’m doing a spotlight on Lynda Renham! She’s just published a collection of hilarious  short stories. Lynda is one of my favourite writers. You know when you read her work you are going to forget about the bad day you had and laugh uproariously at...

My kind of plotting…

I’ve been asked to write a proposal for a book idea (more news to follow!) I’m so not a plotter. I find outlines, and graphs, and all those complicated plotting devices, tedious. Boring. Like maths. I think, for me, they take the joy out of writing, and...

Finding friends who get it

As I mentioned yesterday, it’s school holidays here and that isn’t conducive to a healthy word count! It’s been really nice to just chill out with the boys, make forts out of cardboard boxes, watch movies and let them indulge in chocolate and popcorn...