Interview with author Lynda Renham

Please welcome UK writer, Lynda Renham to the blog today. Lynda’s latest book The Valentine Present and Other Diabolical Liberties is an absolute cracker..Definitely one to read if you need a good laugh, and we all need that occasionally, right? As you can see...

Lisa Swallow book launch!

Please welcome Lisa to the blog today. Lisa is sharing book two in the Soul Ties series Torn Souls. This is Dahlia and Jack’s story and you’re going to love it. So many twists and turns – it’ll keep you guessing. Take a look at the blurb, and...

The mysterious call from the UK …

As you may remember a few weeks ago, I sent a few submissions out into the world…I’m not a patient person, even less so when it comes to my writing, which as you can imagine is pure torture when you’re waiting for news on your work. I pace. I eat...

When disaster strikes

I have a secret.I’m an utterly disorganised writer. Post it notes litter my desk, which is so cluttered I write at the dining room table. Important pieces of paper are filed with all the other pieces of paper that once made a rather nice tree. And then...

Finding friends who get it

As I mentioned yesterday, it’s school holidays here and that isn’t conducive to a healthy word count! It’s been really nice to just chill out with the boys, make forts out of cardboard boxes, watch movies and let them indulge in chocolate and popcorn...