Interview with author Lynda Renham

Please welcome UK writer, Lynda Renham to the blog today. Lynda’s latest book The Valentine Present and Other Diabolical Liberties is an absolute cracker..Definitely one to read if you need a good laugh, and we all need that occasionally, right? As you can see...

Are you feeling merry?

Christmas is a joyful time for most families, especially when you have young kids who adore the very notion of Santa, and Rudolph, and all that the holidays entail. I know I’m on a winner when I sing Christmas songs, and my twins don’t cover their ears and...

Meet book blogger, and avid reader, Kate

Today I thought I’d turn the tables on book blogger and reader extraordinaire, Kate from “Me my books and I” and interview her! For those who don’t know much about book blogging, I thought it would be a great way to find out what it involves, and how you can connect...